FRANK offers tailored professional services to help you advance your artistic career.
Personalised Career Guidance
We support you as an independent ad hoc artist liaison. Many clients engage us alongside their galleries on a monthly basis to review goals, update action plans, negotiate consignment agreements, and seek advice on upcoming exhibitions and projects. This is a great step towards advancing your career.
Two hour one-to-one appointments start from £295
Strategic Road Mapping
We create a comprehensive road map to help achieve your goals and stay accountable. This is ideal for early to mid-career artists ready to elevate their exhibition and representation opportunities to the next level.
Fees are available on request.
Practical Studio Visits
We offer in-depth reviews of your practice and works in progress directly in your studio. Our guidance includes commercial and practical insights tailored to the current contemporary art market and pricing psychology. This a great option for independent artists and those who require more creative mentorship.
Fees are available upon request.